However, not as the Large Hadron Collider... It'll ramp up from an initial restart at roughly half capacity:

The troubled Large Hadron Collider, which blew out part of its cooling system when scientists turned it on for the first time last September, is now set to restart in November, but as the Midsize Hadron Collider. Initially, it will smash protons together at only half the energy level it was designed for — still powerful enough that it could produce some exotic findings.

The world's most powerful particle smasher will restart in November at just half the energy the machine was designed to reach. But even at this level, the Large Hadron Collider has the potential to uncover exotic new physics, such as signs of hidden extra dimensions, physicists say. The LHC is a new particle accelerator at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, designed to answer fundamental questions, such as what gives elementary particles their mass, by colliding particles at higher energies than ever achieved in a laboratory before. But the first attempt to turn on the LHC failed in September 2008 when a joint connecting a pair of superconducting wires overheated, causing an explosive release of helium used as a coolant. Scientists have been making repairs and checking the strength of other electrical connections since then to pave the way for a second start attempt.

Now, CERN has announced that the LHC's first data collecting run, to begin in November, will collide protons at only half the energy the accelerator was designed to achieve. The run will initially smash protons together at 7 trillion electron volts (7 TeV), compared to the design goal of 14 TeV, according to a CERN statement on 6 August. (Protons in each of the two opposing beams will have 3.5 TeV of energy, producing collisions at 7 TeV.)

Never mind, at least we're getting somewhere once again! Read the full article on the NewScientist site: Also, make sure you're signed up to LHC@Home and are part of the ITU@LHC team for when the new results start coming in! :)



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